Friday, December 11, 2009

stress and handling

Posted by Evi Yulianti 1:36 AM, under | 3 comments

Human life was marked by efforts to meet the needs, both physically, mentally, emotionally, materially and spiritually. If needs be met with a good balance is achieved and satisfaction. But in reality the business is often the fulfillment of these needs a lot of obstacles and barriers. The pressures and difficulties of life often bring people in a state of stress. Stress can be experienced by all age levels. Stress can be physical, biological and psychological. Disease germs that attack the human body which cause biological stress caused various immune reactions. While psychological stress can be derived from several things that can cause interference sense of peace and balance of life.

Source of Stress

Source of stress can be classified in the forms:
  • Crisis : Crisis is a change / events that occur suddenly and shook the balance of power beyond one's day-to-day adjustments. For example: the crisis in the field of business, family relationships and so on.
  • Frustration : Frustration is the failure of satisfaction of business needs or instinct, causing disappointment. Frutrasi arises when a person intent or effort was blocked by the obstacles (from outside: famine, drought, death, etc., and from within: tired, mentally handicapped, low self-esteem, etc.) that impede the progress of an ideal to want to accomplish.
  • Conflicts : The conflict is a disagreement between the 2 desire / drive that is between the power of instinct and the power that controls impulses instincts.
  • Pressure : Stress can be caused pressure associated with a greater responsibility to bear. (From within ourselves: the ideals, the head of the family, and so on and from the outside: the wife is too demanding, parents who want their children excel).

Due to Stress

Stress depends on the person's reaction to stress. Generally stress caused prolonged feelings of anxiety, fear, depression, loss of sense of security, self-esteem is threatened, anxious, cold sweat, heart palpitations frequently, dizziness, difficult or rather difficult to eat and sleep). Severe anxiety and lasting will lower a person's ability and efficiency in carrying out his functions and may ultimately lead to a variety of mental disorders.

Stress Reduction
  • Know and recognize the sources of stress.
  • Cultivate personality maturity through education and life experience.
  • developing a healthy life. Among others by the way: have enough with what he has, not in a hurry to achieve his desire, to realize the difference between wants and needs.
  • Give thanks to God Almighty for everything that happens to remain faithful to him.
  • Ask for assistance to close friends, people who are more mature, psychologists, spiritual mature person, and so on).
  • Avoid negative attitudes among other things: rebelling against the state, apathy, anger. These things do not solve problems but instead opened a new problem.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Free Credit Counseling Services: Do they Exist?

Posted by Evi Yulianti 8:02 AM, under | 3 comments

see more and more institutions counseling or guidance counselor today, making public services more optimally. but the evi yulianti this time trying to discuss how much people know and use the institution or a counselor for those with according to the encyclopedia articles that I got. Free credit counseling has helped thousands of people get out of debt and achieve financial health. These companies provide a plethora of services geared to effective debt settlement and consolidation. They often offer classes on budgeting and sound money management as well. If you have found yourself in over your head in debt, there is help available. This article will tell you where to find a service that can put you on a healthy financial path once again.

If you want to know how to get out of debt, you need to find a company that specializes in these services. Most classes in school do not teach you how to avoid the debt trap or dig your way out once you have gotten in over your head. However, this is precisely what credit counseling services do. They help you consolidate your debt into a single affordable monthly payment. They can then show you how to avoid the credit pitfall in the future by instilling some responsible money management practices.

Most debt elimination agencies will focus first on the current debt problem. They will work with your creditors to lower interest rates and even outstanding balances so you can save money on your payoffs. Then they put all of your outstanding debt into a single monthly payment that is easier to manage. Most companies will also advise you to cut up the credit cards that got you into trouble in the first place so you don't continue to accrue debt even as you are paying off current obligations. This is the first step in responsible money management.

Credit card debt counseling will then teach you how to manage your money without relying on credit to make ends meet at the end of the month. This is easier said than done, since most people in this situation require a completely different way of thinking about money. These companies will teach you how to make a budget that helps you live within your means. They can also help you understand how to spend your money responsibly so you no longer rely on credit cards to make purchases.

Most people who need a credit counseling service are already in financial trouble. They can't afford to pay more money for these services. That's why companies like American Debt Enders offer free counseling and a host of other services to help clients get debt free. Any fees that are charged are worked into your single monthly payment that is still significantly lower than the payments you are currently making. If you are in more debt than you can afford, American Debt Enders provide expert credit counseling that will help you regain your financial health.

source :

Sunday, November 22, 2009

the nature, purpose and type of guidance counseling

Posted by Evi Yulianti 9:12 AM, under | 2 comments

Everyone knows about the guidance counseling, but if everyone knows the nature, purpose and type of guidance counseling? for those of you who belom know, I give informasainya here:

Types of guidance counseling:
  • Guidance counseling for Education. Guidance counseling includes education about educational information, an effective way of learning, the selection of majors, secondary schools and so on.
  • Guidance counseling to work. Guidance counseling is intended to work a person can gain self-understanding in the world of work so he could set yourself up a little market to the appropriate areas of life and harmony with himself and society.
  • Personal counseling for guidance. Guidance counseling is personal to assist students to develop her identity, such as: motivation, perception of self, the ability to understand and so on

Destination Guide for individual counseling are:

  • Understanding personal and environmental
  • Able to choose, decide and plan wisely, both his life in education, employment and social.
  • Develop the ability itself and its maximum capacity.
  • Solve the problems faced wisely.
  • Managing life activities, develop perspective and make decisions and be able to account for it.
  • Understanding and directing himself in the act and behave in accordance with the demands and conditions in the surroundings.

Properties Guidance Counseling:

  • Emotional development and guidance counseling. These developments such as increased body strength, sex drive, sense of responsibility as more adults are the causes of the most important of these changes and lack of emotional peace of soul.
  • Physical development and guidance. This development is seen in the growing physical and physiological maturity.
  • Social development and guidance. Some of the special needs of individuals in an adolescent arising from the more extensive view of these adolescents
Hopefully writing about the nature, purpose and type of counseling over the useful guidance for you

Saturday, November 21, 2009

development of teenagers

Posted by Evi Yulianti 3:20 AM, under | No comments

Adolescence is the best time is life, the word is used in the cast by many people. A lot of teenage life is dominated by jokes, laughter, tears, romance and more make a lot of people have a lasting memory in old age until they are. Talking about teenagers, we should know the youth development of the starting phase until the final phase awel.

Adolescent development is divided into several periods of adolescent development, the difficulties that often occur in adolescents and psychological demands of teenagers, following his description.

1. period of development in adolescents.
  • Age 12 - 14 years : At the age of puberty is a pre, means the period beginning from the time puberty children. Characteristic is the Son does not like being treated like a child again and Son began to be critical.
  • age 14-16 years : age is called too early adolescence, characterized erratic manner / wishy washy, began Noting appearance, Start anxious and confused about his physical changes, more like grouped with peers and in the same boat and start having wet dreams.
  • age 17-18 years : age period is the transition period of puberty to abdolesen. Another characteristic of the physical growth has started to mature, but the psychological maturity is not reached full maturity and process the body of teenage girls earlier than boys.
  • age 19-21 years : at the age of 19 to 21 years is the maturation phase of the late teens or teenagers. Characterized closed attention to the things realistic, Start aware of the realities of life and attitude about life began to clear and the Start of talent and interest appears.
2. psychological demands of the teens
  • Teenagers can receive physical condition and able to use it effectively
  • Teenagers can gain emotional freedom from other people
  • Teenagers can hang out with sesame mature teens
  • Knowing and accepting capable of self -
  • Strengthening of self-control on the basis of values and norms
3. some of the difficulties experienced by adolescents is a normal part of adolescent development. Some of the difficulties or dangers that may be experienced by adolescents, among others
  • Variations psychiatric condition, referring to a teenager can be seen as quiet, sullen, and exile, but at other times he seems otherwise happy and radiant and optimistic.
  • Curiosity about sex and wanted to try it
  • Ditching school
  • Anti-social behavior such as love disturbing, often lie and more aggressive
  • Illicit drug abuse, drugs and so forth.
By knowing the adolescent period of development and some of the difficulties and demands of our teenagers make better understand what is expected by adolescents and may prevent the negativ things that can occur during adolescence.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Human Motivation and the 3 Motivation Personalities

Posted by Evi Yulianti 9:05 AM, under | 6 comments

Human motivation is a response that our body has to some form of either internal or external stimulation.

In simple terms, it means that our body is responding to stimulation. An example is that we are motivated to eat something because we are hungry. We are directing a behavior to a particular goal. Humans need to be motivated to do just about anything in life. That is why it is so Important to set goals.

Sure, we may not need to set a goal to eat, sleep or drink. Those are internal stimulations. But sometimes in life we find that we need to motivate ourselves to do other important functions in life.

Some of these include: losing weight, exercising, quitting smoking, cleaning the house, doing homework or finding a job. Those are just to mention a few.

The bottom line is, we need to set goals to do some of these things. Without goals, we really can't begin to get motivated. As humans, we need to have the reason to do something. That is how our brain works.

There are three basic types of personalities that determine human motivation.

1. The need for achievement is the drive to excel at things and strive to succeed. This type is in it for the competition only.

2. The need for power is the desire to make people behave a certain way with the power of human motivation. This type of person is in it for the power and could care less about the competition.

3. The need for affiliation is the strong needs for close interpersonal relationships with others. This type of person is in it for friends. They will cooperate just to have the social aspect.

These are all types of personalities that are part of human motivation. It is what drives us to think the way we think and desire the things that we desire.

Depending on which human motivation type you are will determine what motivates you. There can also be a combination of two or three to make up someone's personality.

Everyone is different in that different things motivate each and every one of us. In order to get motivated, one needs to first set goals out in front of them to meet. They need to be goals that are within reach.

Then after the goals have been set down, it is time to get a plan on what it will take to meet your goals. Write it down and prioritize the things that need to be done in order to achieve this motivation.

The final stage to human motivation is to make a commitment to keep focused on the goals. Remember, motivation is what drives us all. We need to have it to achieve anything.

source :

Monday, November 16, 2009

Why Balancing Your Polarity Can Make Life Better

Posted by Evi Yulianti 4:11 PM, under | 2 comments

Driven by cultural imperatives and inner promptings, we drive ourselves into a frenzy of action day after day.

The urgency of what needs to be done and the limited time we have to do it excites us to become excessive in our activity.

Eventually, this force, which is kinetic, runs out, and we become tired, drained, and irritable.

What used to be states of high-productivity now slip into carelessness and error. And like a machine that has been pushed to an extreme, parts start to collapse.

Our health may collapse, or our relationships, or our finances. We experience stress and anxiety.

Yet given our obsession with finishing and completing and our myths about never quitting, we may continue to ruin ourselves.

All this distressing collapse can be easily resolved by simply learning to develop the other polarity.

And what is the other polarity? It is deep relaxation and introspection.

Deep relaxation is not spending more time watching television and introspection is not more time web-surfing.

Deep relaxation is stretching, walking in nature, spending time with loved ones, and doing soulful tasks. It is a goal-less activity. It's purpose is to experience being over doing. It is a time for meditation on the meaning and direction of your life.

Introspection is writing in your journal, watching the moon rise above the clouds, and contemplating the lessons of life that you've been going through. It's finding books and strategies about wholeness.

When you allow a season for letting go, then the season of productivity, when it arrives again will be bountiful.

We are not machines, nor robots, but subjective beings capable of deep experiences, and while catering to external circumstances may help us to survive, listening to our feelings and subtle perceptions may help us to thrive.

Of course, the other end of the polarity is equally as debilitating, where you only spend time inwardly and avoid encountering the world outside yourself. Then you start to thrive internally, but your survival is always uncomfortable. You start to attract a crisis to shift you out of your depression.

The first step to living a balanced life is acknowledging its value. Your security and power comes from being balanced.

And the second step is to find on what end of the polarity you're on and how you can gently swing to incorporate more of the other end as well. When action and inaction are balanced every part of your life will begin to work with ease

source :

Sunday, November 15, 2009

8 Ways to Instantly Calm Yourself

Posted by Evi Yulianti 9:26 AM, under | 1 comment

We all have felt anxiety before. No matter how confident and relaxed you are, you know what it’s like to be nervous before an interview, trembling before a speech, or cold and clammy over the pending results of your graded quiz.

The point of this article is to provide you with eight different ways to release this tension. There are more powerful ways in which you can relax (as we will provide in our products) however this article provides eight ways you can use anywhere. Hardly anyone will actually notice that you are using them. You will not have to sit in a meditation position on the floor, or chant mantras to relax yourself… so no worries.

Also, notice the title of this article is not “…Calm Yourself Down”. We don’t calm down. We calm up.

Calming yourself involves not detaching yourself from your environment, but integrating yourself with it while you mentally move inward to obtain steadiness. You should not feel tired or detached. You should simply become “in the zone”: Alert, focused and relaxed.

Chair Press-Up

This one’s great for if you are waiting to give a speech or if you are nervous in a group setting. Simply put your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands on the arms of your chair. If your chair doesn’t have arms, place them on the edges of the seat. Brace yourself. Now, take a deep breath, and push up with your arms and feet as you exhale. Lock your arms – let your torso hang from your locked arms for a moment while you finish exhaling… long and deep. Go limp, but remain locked in the up position. Now sit back down. You feel like a noodle, and everything is cool.


Breathing is absolutely crucial to calming yourself. I recommend you do some in-depth research on Eastern styles of breathing, and how to breathe powerfully with your diaphragm. Breathe in strongly and slowly through your nose as you expand your diaphragm. Your stomach should rise, not your chest. Now, blow it out strongly and steadily through your mouth. Repeat this a few times. You can feel the tension leaving your body.

Spread Legs

This one may not seem like much, but it has serious subconscious value. When most people are relaxed (particularly us guys) we have a tendency to spread our legs slightly and take up more space. By consciously spreading your legs while sitting (or standing) you will take up more space, which is what we generally do when we are comfortable in a setting. Perform the action, and the feeling of comfort will follow.

Slouch Slightly

Yes, slouching is bad for your posture. Slouching for years will curve your spine. Slouching for a few minutes will not. This is another habit most people demonstrate when they are relaxed and comfortable: They slouch. So, next time you feel antsy about a situation, allow yourself to lean back your head and slouch slightly in your chair. Once again, the feeling will follow the action.

Power Hands

Powerful people are often calm, relaxed and comfortable in their actions. When they sit around a table, they often do one of two things with their hands: Steepling, or the hands-behind-the-head. To steeple, put your elbows on the table, and steeple your hands in front of your face – like the bad guy does in the movie when he’s going “M’yesss…. Muwahaha…. I can see it all coming together so perfectly…” Think of yourself as the bad guy when you steeple your hands. You know you are going to win. You steeple your hands as you turn over your master plan inside your head. Everything is falling into place so perfectly. Muwhaha. For more of a “corporate” power / relaxation effect, lean back in your chair and put your hands behind your head, lacing your fingers together. This is how bosses sit when they are talking to people who work for them. It has profound effects in making you feel more powerful and relaxed.


This is an incredible psychological tool we will cover in more depth in our products. Your subconscious mind anchors certain actions / stimuli with certain feelings and responses. Psychological anchors and triggers are used everywhere. It is the reason behind many strong emotional connections. If you had a song played at your wedding, hearing the song played at a later date may make you cry. The emotional event was your wedding, and you heard a song during it (the anchor). Thus, the song became tied to the feelings you felt during your wedding. Upon hearing the song again (the trigger) you feel the same feelings again.

Another example is if you became very ill once from a certain drink, you may become sick simply from smelling the drink in the future. The emotional event was becoming very ill, and the anchor was the drink. Therefore, smelling the drink in the future could make you sick very quickly. Anchors are used everywhere, in positive and negative emotions. To use them to calm yourself, develop a specific anchor every time you are calm. My anchor is to place my hand palm-down on my thigh. Every time I am relaxed, I do this, to reinforce the anchor. Then when I need to be calm, I simply fire the trigger (palm on the thigh) and my mind recreates the emotion tied to that anchor – which is relaxation. Pick an anchor you don’t use that much, such as touching your ear, or putting your hand on your knee. Do it whenever you are relaxed, and when you need to become relaxed, doing it will help to put you in that mental state.

Kill Internal Dialogue

There are many ways to do this, but here’s one good technique: If you are talking yourself into a worrisome state, or worrying while talking to someone during a conversation, do this immediately. Defocus your eyes, and open your peripheral vision. Look at two areas ahead of you, to each side. Picture your conscious thoughts in those areas. Now, draw your gaze up from both points at 45 degree angles until they meet in the high-center of your vision. Next bring the gaze straight down, so it is directly in front of you (a person’s face if you are talking to them). Now, picture your gaze coming straight back to your own head, as you return your consciousness to your own mind. Not only does it help increase focus, but the simple effort required to perform the exercise will often stop any distracting internal dialogue you are having at the time.


If you feel a general anxiety of your whole body, such as being self-conscious of your hands, feet, or body position, this exercise can work wonders. Close your eyes. Take a few deep, long breaths: in through your nose and out through your mouth. Place your tongue on your front pallet, directly above the backside of your upper teeth- this is effective in stimulating cross-lobe integration (and relaxation) in the brain. Picture a point far in front of you. Project your thoughts there in your mind. Continue breathing, and keep your thoughts there, until you are fully relaxed and have forgotten about clammy hands, sweaty feet, or mismatched socks. Once you are relaxed, slowly bring the point in front of you closer as you return to a fully aware state.

article source :

Friday, November 13, 2009

'Different' works in your career

Posted by Evi Yulianti 12:09 PM, under | 1 comment

Maybe we want a promotion or recognition for our efforts, and what we are getting is other people taking credit for our work.

But, instead of taking action to change our frustrating circumstances, we wait for the situation to improve on its own. And, while we are waiting, we keep repeating actions that are getting us nowhere.

So How Do You Begin A Different Cycle? Follow These Steps Below:
1. Let Go Of Your Resistance
What you resist persists. You may not want to do something different, but goals in your career cannot be achieved without change. (And, going with the flow.) You have to stop saying no, so you can start saying yes.
Begin by recognizing what resistance is costing you. Are you tired at the end of each day? Do you think about your work constantly? Do you frequently feel that you could be doing more? Imagine if you could let your resistance go. Think about how you could better spend all of that extra time and energy.

2. Believe That "Different" Will Work
Your beliefs are powerful. They set the tone and direction for your career. If you say you want one thing, but believe another, your conflict will keep you from moving forward. Sometimes we think we are helping ourselves. If we expect less, then we will not be disappointed. And, hopefully what we want will magically appear. When you expect less, you get less. Expect more and you will get more. Believing is vital. If you do not believe that your career wishes will come true, then who will?

3. Try An Alternative Approach
If you want something different, you have to do something different. For example, if you interact with difficult co-workers in a certain way, try an alterative approach. Be nice to them and maybe they will be nice to you. If you want a promotion, are you the only one who knows it? Have a discussion with your boss so you are both on the same page. If you want a new position, is your resume and 30-second pitch ready to go? You can turn these things around by tackling your problem in a new way.

4. Be Nice To Yourself
What hurts you most in your career is not what's happening around you, but how you react to it. Your career runs in cycles; sometimes you are up, and sometimes you are down. How you internalize and process what's happening around you can either move you forward or hold you back.
How can you be nicer to yourself when your career is not running as perfectly as you'd like? You make a choice. You can tell yourself that everything will be ok, or you can let your negativity win. You can reward yourself for the milestones you are reaching, or get disappointed because the process is taking longer than you think it should. You can focus on what you haven't done up to this point (because you were not ready), or what you will do starting today. The choice is yours to make everyday.

5. Get Support
Progress requires different perspectives. Reach out and ask for help at those times in your career when it's needed. Asking for help takes courage. The strength to ask is within you. Let people in. Let them help you. Leave your skepticism behind. (It's getting in your way.) Go after what you want with the right people beside you.

source :

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Management Education

Posted by Evi Yulianti 10:43 AM, under | No comments

"The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think - rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men."

Education is among the fastest growing service sectors of the economy. Education is one of the important public attributes of social and human development. Education has always been accorded an honored place in the Indian society. The development of education in India during the post independence period has been guided by the national goals and aspirations as embodied in the Indian constitution. Education being a powerful instrument of social, economic and political change, its broad principles and objectives are related to the long term national goals, the program of national development on which the country is engaged and complex short term problems it is called upon to solve. Prior to independence, the growth of institutions of higher education in India was very slow and diversification in the areas of the studies was very limited. After independence Education has become India's "Super infrastructure". It provides the strongest link between income aspirations and the realization of income goals. It can be controlled from with a household and without unreasonable dependence on the external environment and infrastructure. The congruence between internal economic goals of the nation is a pre-requisite for building viable and vital constituents that provide growth and education has accomplished a strong congruence between the internal aspirations of the household and the external objectives of the aggregate economy.

The focus of Commerce education was on building a strong foundation about the knowledge of business transactions and processes, primarily from the economics and accounting perspectives. In contrast, management education focused on building knowledge about overall business and its various functions, given its stakeholders and the market landscape. It was felt that one needed some disciplinary background, especially in science or commerce streams, or some work experience for effectively learning the management principles. Therefore, management education was intended for the graduate and executive levels, focused on nurturing future leaders who could lead the private and public sector organizations with a sense of social mission. The question surrounding the quality of Management education and its effect on Human Resource form the basis of the thesis.

In approaching this subject following hypothesis were laid down:

1. Quality of Management education is going down.

2. Due to mushrooming of B-Schools Admission procedure is becoming just

a formality.

3. Expectation of Industry is rising day by day from B-School students

Therefore, thesis asks the following questions:

First, what are the reasons for deterioration of quality of management education?

Second, what are the expectations of the corporate world from the B-Schools i.e. students?

Third, what should be the parameters to check the quality of management education?

In answer to the first question, the reasons are identified as being associated with the mushrooming of B-schools and growing demand of management personnel in the market, with the result leniency of government for encouraging more number of B-schools moreover certain loopholes in major government bodies giving affiliation and recognition

to these institutes as is discussed in Chapter 3.

In answer to the second question, regarding expectations of the corporate sector from Bschools it is argued that when it comes to recruitment or campus selection organization prefer students of those B-schools that produce quality students in terms of knowledge, physical skills as well as conceptual skills because every organization want to choose best out of the pool that too when they are having options more than they need. Ultimately country's economy is generated by the organization having worth Human Resource and India being top in the list of populous nations having vast pool of Human Resource is no doubt having now quality Human Resource. Chapter 4 discusses how quality of education vis-à-vis management education affects Human Resource of a country.

In response to the third question, Chapter 6 surveys the different institutes in NCR,their admission procedure, faculty, placement which ultimately affects quality. .In this chapter we will also try to focus on quality tools . To achieve the objective of this study which is aimed to find a solution for a concrete social academic problem the thesis calls upon existing work from education studies, Quality management, recruitments of organizations , campus selection in B-schools. At this point, it must be stated that the thesis calls upon secondary sources also. Contacts were made with the various students studying in different B- schools of NCR. Management of these institutes was also contacted. However access was not possible in all institutes, in that case different faculties were contacted in -person. HR personnel's of different organizations were also interviewed and in some cases questionnaires were got filled from the same. Research for the thesis also included an extensive literature search.

Every research work has its own set of limitations so has mine. I tried a lot to cope up with the limitations but still some of the limitations which I cannot neglect are as follows:-

1. There was one major hindrance in gathering the data because management of the institutes were not ready to reveal the real data so had to cross check and neglect the small variations.

2. Data gathered through questionnaires took time to get cross checked and at points

there were contradictions.

3. Companies chosen were not ready to reveal their recruitment sources. Most of the

time concerned persons kept me waiting thereon giving very less details. So, I had no choice but to work on the same data and it became very difficult for me to analyse the same.

4. Major limitation of this research is Quality tool six sigma as no institute is applying any tool as such so was not able to analyse that part. Instead I gave a model of Six sigma for management institutes.

5. A few of the parameters were not analysed because of the unavailability of the


To address its research questions, the thesis is divided into seven chapters. The following describes the content of each. In order to trace the development of education in India vis-à-vis management education and its quality Chapter 1 examines the overview of education how it got transformed from "Gurukul" type to specialization focused. Its development after post independence and emergence of education as India's super infrastructure. It also focuses governing/ managing bodies of higher education in India. Then, it also focuses social status of management education in India which discusses the pre independence education attitude of society. It also throws some light on shift in social status of business education during 1980. However, after analyzing emergence of management education in India Chapter 1 also gives an overview of quality of higher education as well as management education which went towards negative side with the growth of management institutes after 1990 i.e. liberalization after which various Multinational companies entered into India.

Chapter 2 discusses the six sigma as a tool of quality enhancement. It focuses on six sigma in detail, also that how it has generated profits for the organizations that have adapted it. In this chapter the complete process of six sigma and various terms associated with it have been it have been defined. As focus of my research is quality in management institutes so, chapter also discusses the role of six sigma in management education.

In order to have an in depth look into the management education and its quality chapter 3 gives us the description of quality in management education. In this chapter various parameters like admission , Faculty, infrastructure, placement etc have been discussed in detail and their affect on the quality of management education.

We are studying the quality of management education ultimately to know its affect on Human Resources which is the focus of Chapter 4 .It focuses on what B-schools are producing, how they are being absorbed in the corporates , what corporates are expecting out of a management graduate. It also discusses how MBA has its impact on employment and career. It also gives an overview of how business schools help in enhancing economy of a country. It also defines ‘FEM'.

As we know ‘Campus placement' is one of the important sources of recruitment from where organizations directly take the new recruits. It not only reduces the cost of recruitment but also gives an organiastion an advantage of choosing from the good one as compared to choosing among the mixed pool of applicants. This is discussed in Chapter 5. It throws light on various organizations that go for campus placement.

Second last chapter i.e. Chapter 6 gives us a detailed insight about institutes (taken as sample) their criteria for admission, placement, their efficiency in placing their students. It also gives us a comparative analysis and aftermath of the campus recruitment of various organization. It is based on the data collected from various institutes and various oragnisations. It tells us the real stories of the various institutes and what actually organizations want from management graduates.

This chapter analyses faculty, placement also of various institutes. Effect on Human resources of various oraganisations ( taken as sample) and what they require. It also analyses the institutes focus as far as quality of management education is concerned. Chapter 7, the last chapter ultimately leads us to the Conclusion and suggestions. This chapter justifies the various hypothesis laid down for the research purpose which are quality related, admission related and expectation of the industry. This chapter's main focus apart from hypothesis is "Six sigma model" which explains various areas as a quality enhancement points with the help of Fish-bone diagram. This part has been discussed under suggestions along with various other suggestions. Suggestions are followed by Bibliography. At the end various questionnaires have also been attached.

source :

Friday, November 6, 2009

how to be loyal to our partners

Posted by Evi Yulianti 2:43 AM, under | 5 comments

In the relationship between two individuals or a couple, needed a special way to the way these relationships are going well and durable. What more if the relationship has the shape of a marriage. Loyalty in relationships is needed in a relationship for convenience and continuity of these relationships are good without a hitch. Here's how to build loyalty in developing relationships.

1. Love that is "unconditional" for the love of the couple is "to give a sincere". Love is a sincerity that should not expect to gain for his own benefit or pleasure. Love is giving without receiving. Selfless sense will be able to keep the heart to remain faithful to the "LOVE" so you can happy couple.

2. "DO NOT MUCH DEMAND" because this will only contaminate your heart and love. Too many demands will make your love interwoven relationship collapsed. Do not be demanding so you can always be faithful to your partner.

3. "DO NOT FEAR disappointed". If you hear these words must have your little heart would refuse. Because every human being would not want to feel that his disappointment and grief. Although in reality all it will happen in our lives. So, so you can be faithful to your spouse the same, "do not be afraid to be disappointed". Not forever our lives are always tinged with success and happiness. There are times when we fail to advance to the success mencampai so there must be reversed grief happiness. In certain relationships there is a misunderstanding, bickering, or a small argument that makes you hurt. This is where you are in the test for yourself maturing with "little pebbles" this. If you can get through this situation, you will be faithful to your partner. Do not butakan your heart if your spouse is disappointing you. Loyalty to love will strengthen your relationship with your spouse.

4. "Entertainer BE GOOD". When the liver is injured then someone would want the entertainer to entertain our sadness. Do not say you are loyal to the spouse if you can not "faithful in times of grief was over" your partner. Because the drug from someone is mourning his beloved partner, where you can give attention, affection, and passion for your partner.

5. "UNDERSTAND wholeheartedly". Understanding your spouse is capital to achieve happiness with a partner. We should be able to understand and comprehend the character of the couple, because with this you can understand with a good heart in a state of frustration, despair, or fail. So, you should be able to understand your spouse under any circumstances, so that your partner will love you more because only you can understand and be Conditioning in difficult circumstances and happy.

6. "Grateful WHAT HAPPENS". In life there must be a trial, reversed a trial lesson there. So always be thankful with what happened today, because all the events will bring us into maturity. With maturity it will strengthen your relationship. Remain grateful to what has been given by Allah SWT.

7. "Careful thought and ACT". Here we are required to be independent in solving problems and in making good decisions. Do not be too dependent on your partner, because your partner will feel you are still like a child. In absolutely no connection of a family head who determines a case, the wife's voice was very important to consider. Therefore strongly supports the independence of your faithfulness to your partner.

8. "EXPECT STRONG". Love without hope of futile due to our life expectancy will be more enthusiasm. Because hope is in our motivation, so fill your relationship with the expectations of a positive because it can strengthen loyalty in relationships.

9. "Equalize WORDS WITH ACTION". In our relationship not only need the words of love alone but there must be realization, because the new will feel what love if you can show it in deeds.

apply tips or how loyal to the pair above .. make sure to do with the intentions are sincere and full of sincerity because of Allegiance will bring us into happiness

Thursday, November 5, 2009

how to organize a successful career

Posted by Evi Yulianti 9:35 AM, under | 2 comments

We all know, Compared to become self-employed, in this industrial age more people are thought to work under the umbrella organization (institution, company). There is a simple indicator, which we more often find the question "After graduating, going to work where?" Or "Want to register where the work?" Than the question "After graduating, going to do (work) what? Okay .. these little tips for career development within the organization:

1. Leader-Member Exchange.
One thing that needs special attention is about the state of inter-dependent (Interdependence), especially for jobs in the organization (institution / company / etc), interdependence between leaders and subordinates (follower) to show the effectiveness of the linkages between two different parties position it. A leader can work effectively when supported by employees who dare, responsible, and proactive. In contrast, in the process of helping the leader, follower and learn and grow.

The following stages (life cycle) are passed to the leader and subordinates to reach a mature exchange relationships:

* In the initial phase of work, not much can be given a new employee. At the time of such leaders and new members test each other's ability, motivation, and attitude of each work. New members need to learn a high readiness to gain the trust of the leader.
* The next phase, after the trust is achieved, new roles will be given by the leader. If this can continue as well, with the development of mutual trust, loyalty, and mutual respect, relationships and subordinate leaders will reach mature phase.
* In the mature phase, the transformation of exchange relationships, ie the original oriented private interests shifted toward the organization

2. superior and subordinate relationships (Followership)

While loyalty is an important point in the exchange relationship with the boss, it's not a subordinate position as a passive party. As mentioned above, in order to support the effectiveness of the leader, subordinates just need to have courageous, responsible, and proactive

Practical description as follows :

* Find What are you supposed to do, not all organizations have a clear description of the position. If there are ambiguities tasks and roles when necessary for clarity by several parties, especially with the boss. If not, we may have to work very hard, but not the right target. In order to seek clarity about the tasks and roles, we must assertive (express thoughts and feelings clearly, respect ourselves and others).
* Take the initiative from you to solve a problem. Initiative in solving problems in connection with the duties, work antarekan conflicts, etc., is needed. This gives the opportunity to continue learning and performance demonstrations. However, caution is required in order not to overstep the authority of others.
* Tell your boss about the decision-making. Your initiative is a valuable and needs to be done. However, this must be accounted for. What do we do as a private initiative to the leaders need to be informed, especially if it is something that can be very different from the things that have been planned and decided upon by the leaders. Argued for the right reasons for your actions.
* Test the accuracy of the information you give to your boss. Leaders do not have to know everything. In some ways he had insufficient information. In such circumstances we can act to help find the information you need. However, we must first examine the accuracy of the information we provide, in order not to mislead.
* Encourage your employer to provide feedback to you. honest To build mutual trust, ask for feedback from the leaders of our performance. Not all leaders are comfortable submit feedback on what they are. Therefore, they should be encouraged to tell us the strengths and weaknesses, and asked her to give suggestions for how we work more effectively.
* Support business leaders to make the necessary changes. Not easy to implement changes despite the planned and much needed organization. This requires the support of all parties and employee loyalty. Thus sometimes thought leaders who drowned in a crisis felt changes to help make that change.
* Show appreciation and give recognition when needed. Leaders may feel unappreciated. Reward when he succeeded, and success in making a special effort or overcome difficulties. Such ways this is one form of feedback, support for the way his leadership, and help make a good relationship.
* Express your objections to flaws in the plan or proposal provided by your employer. One of the valuable contributions of a leader is to provide appropriate feedback to the deficiency. How to provide comments, with a permanent show respect and willingness to help realize the aims and objectives.
* Reject influence of irrelevant urged by superiors. Leaders sometimes govern or impose its will on things that are not relevant. Such coercion can be rejected with a reminder of the negative effects that would arise and interfere with other work that is more important.
* If necessary, do not be afraid to provide coaching and counseling. Provide coaching is usually done by the leader. However, there are times when subordinates can provide coaching to leaders, especially the newly appointed or inexperienced. Counseling can be provided if the leader can accept and appreciate it, and in appropriate circumstances. One form of counseling is to help leaders understand the actions that are not effective.

Okay .. do the above tips for achieving success in a career in an organization ..

Monday, November 2, 2009

human type

Posted by Evi Yulianti 11:45 AM, under | No comments

The following types of people I conclude into 4 types, namely:

Sanguinis group, "The Cool". This type tends to popular, wants liked by others, wanted idolized, and proud. His life was filled with the colors. They love to talk without bias discontinued. Developing emotions and transparent. At one point he shouted with joy, and moments later he could be sobbing.
However, people sanguinis rather forgetful, difficulty concentrating, tend to think short, her life completely disorganized, lack of discipline in terms of time, often forget the promise. However, if asked to do something he would quickly say yes and look really seemed that he would do. With enthusiasm, he wanted to prove that he was biased and sgera do.

Group melancholia, "The perfect". This type is rather contrary to the type sanguinis. Type of melancholia tend to all regular, orderly, scheduled, organized according to patterns. In general, they are like the facts, data, numbers, and often thought of everything in depth. At a meeting of the hip tend to analyze, think, consider, and if you must speak what he really said that he thought the results in depth at all.

Koleris Group, "The Strong". This type of love to manage people, like tunjak leads or orders of people. This type does not want any audience in the activity. Even the guest was biased just 'ordered' to do something for him. Due to the busy nature, this makes the type did not have much koleris temen. Those who avoid the crowds away so as not to become victims of a loved character set and did not want to lose.

Group Plagmatis, "Love Peace". This type of conflict did not like this type because it would do anything asked, though he himself did not like. For this type of peace is everything. If there is a problem or a fight, he'll try to find a peaceful solution without an argument arises. This type would lose little if the problem can be resolved. This type is less enthusiastic, less regular and cool completely. Tend quiet, calm, and if you solve the problem is usually fun. He would be a good listener, but if decisions are often delayed

Have you read the types of people above? Then, enter the type as if you ..?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

tips to be an effective parent

Posted by Evi Yulianti 2:25 PM, under | No comments

Being the parents of our children are very dear to us is proud of ourselves, some say that our children is a reflection of their parents. Thus, many people know who want their children a good son and devoted to their respective parents. With these expectations as a parent must be a person touching an effective parent, effectively means that people here know a good must be good at parenting her children. Here are tips to be an effective parent:

  1. recognize your child, whether he's shy or gay. treat your child according to his character, do not force children to become more characters
  2. not cool when a child applies a sweet and good to you. Give praise for all the things he did. Little things alone, if he did well, do not delay, give compliments immediately.
  3. children should be involved in family activities and decisions. Of course, parents should adjust the proportion to the age of the child. For example, discuss the vacation together and giving children chores that are mild. "For example, folding napkins,"
  4. provide an opportunity to get closer to the child. Even when you're in the middle of traffic, use the time best to call the child. If there is time to watch television together, use to instill values in children.
  5. provide a special time to be alone with children. For example with the drive or pick up from school.
  6. Enforce discipline. You also need to make sure your version of the same discipline to discipline a child or caregiver version of your spouse. However, do not make the discipline as a child rearing techniques of the major. "As a result, parents will put punishment and violence in educating children,"
  7. Be an example or a good role model for children. Because children are great imitators, and made the parents as a pattern. "If you want your children happy, yes we have fun. If you do not want a child with autism, we also sometimes have to nag"
  8. express your love to the children. Do not take lightly to take the child already knows itself. The words, caresses, hugs, and kisses have significance for them.
  9. "You can also give a short letter simply 'mama love you' or gives the pictures of flowers or hearts with the message 'flowers for mama's boy',"
  10. communication with the child's attention. Do not forget, eye contact has an important influence for this business. "If you shout the rules or orders from another room, it will not be effective. Not until you are told something by shouting or ranting,"
  11. do not let you solve problems when you are angry. For if the words hurt you cast, so maybe the words made an impression in the minds of children. "Remember, be a role model for children,"

Hopefully the tips to be an effective parent above will make our children better.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

benefits of exercise for our brains

Posted by Evi Yulianti 4:45 PM, under | No comments

Everyone knows that exercise is essential to nourish our bodies. But did you know that what the benefits of exercise for our brain ..? to exercise at least 10 minutes every day, will make us more mentally healthy, clear mind, less stress and ultimately lead to a happy feeling. Here are some benefits of exercise for our brains.

1. Can increase the brain's ability
Oralhraga physical exercise regularly, can improve concentration, creativity, and mental health. Because exercise can increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and accelerate the flow of blood to the brain. Experts believe that these things can boost physical and mental reactions better.

2. Can help delay the aging process
Research shows that a simple exercise like walking regularly can help reduce mental decline in women over 65 years. The more frequent and longer they do it so slow mental decline. benefits of these activities after nine weeks to do on a regular basis three times a week. This exercise is not to be done in a high intensity. Quite a walk around the house.

3. Can reduce stress
Exercise can reduce anxiety. Even further, can help you control your anger. Aerobic exercise can improve the ability of the heart and make you more quickly to cope with stress. The best way to reduce stress is to do activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, and running.

4. Can increase endurance
If you like doing exercise with ease at the time to do it, then that activity can improve both hormones in the brain such as adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. These hormones play a role in increasing endurance. Study conducted in England showed that 83 percent of people who have mental ganguan rely on exercise to improve mood and reduce anxiety.

5. Can improve self-confidence
The more adept a person in a type of event, it will automatically self-confidence will increase. Even a research proves that teens who actively exercise feel more confident than his friends who do not do sports activities.

With these circumstances it is, we live hiasilah with sports activities, the sport we will get a health and fitness and exercise our brains are useful for producing stress reduction and increased self-confidence. Hopefully useful.