Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Human Motivation and the 3 Motivation Personalities

Posted by Evi Yulianti 9:05 AM, under | 6 comments

Human motivation is a response that our body has to some form of either internal or external stimulation.

In simple terms, it means that our body is responding to stimulation. An example is that we are motivated to eat something because we are hungry. We are directing a behavior to a particular goal. Humans need to be motivated to do just about anything in life. That is why it is so Important to set goals.

Sure, we may not need to set a goal to eat, sleep or drink. Those are internal stimulations. But sometimes in life we find that we need to motivate ourselves to do other important functions in life.

Some of these include: losing weight, exercising, quitting smoking, cleaning the house, doing homework or finding a job. Those are just to mention a few.

The bottom line is, we need to set goals to do some of these things. Without goals, we really can't begin to get motivated. As humans, we need to have the reason to do something. That is how our brain works.

There are three basic types of personalities that determine human motivation.

1. The need for achievement is the drive to excel at things and strive to succeed. This type is in it for the competition only.

2. The need for power is the desire to make people behave a certain way with the power of human motivation. This type of person is in it for the power and could care less about the competition.

3. The need for affiliation is the strong needs for close interpersonal relationships with others. This type of person is in it for friends. They will cooperate just to have the social aspect.

These are all types of personalities that are part of human motivation. It is what drives us to think the way we think and desire the things that we desire.

Depending on which human motivation type you are will determine what motivates you. There can also be a combination of two or three to make up someone's personality.

Everyone is different in that different things motivate each and every one of us. In order to get motivated, one needs to first set goals out in front of them to meet. They need to be goals that are within reach.

Then after the goals have been set down, it is time to get a plan on what it will take to meet your goals. Write it down and prioritize the things that need to be done in order to achieve this motivation.

The final stage to human motivation is to make a commitment to keep focused on the goals. Remember, motivation is what drives us all. We need to have it to achieve anything.

source : http://www.articlecircle.com/psychology/human-motivation-and-the-3-motivation-personalities.html


roomen g ngerti inggris,,,, maaf ya neng....

sama eke juga kayak mas roomen hiks hiks

bagus nih inggrisnya mbak

keren abis nih kayaknya artikel...
sayang lom kursus B.inggris

salam sukses aja ya...

selamat PAGI semua, saya berkunjung untuk semua sahabat....ArticeLnya bagus2 sangat FenomenaL,Bombastic !!

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