Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Therapeutic model

Posted by Evi Yulianti 12:42 AM, under | 1 comment

Therapeutic model that we can use to help a person break away from addiction or bad behavior and changing their behavior for the better include

Moral Therapy Model

This model is commonly known by the public and is usually done with an approach to religious / moral emphasis on individual sin and weakness. This model is very appropriate therapy as applied to communities that still adhere to religious values ​​and morality in the place of origin, as the model is running in conjunction with the concept of good and bad are taught by religion. So it is not surprising that the therapeutic model that is the foundation of moral justification major legal force to fight against drug abuse.

Social Therapy Model

This model used the concept of therapeutic community program, where addiction to drugs is seen as a phenomenon of social deviance (social disorder). The goal of this therapy is the model that deviant behavior directed toward a more viable social behavior. It is based on the awareness that most drug addicts are almost always involved in social action, including criminal prosecution. The advantage of this model is its attention to the behavior of drug addicts addiction is concerned, not on drugs of abuse. Prakreknya can be done through lectures, seminars, and especially therapy (encounter groups). The objective is to train social responsibility of every individual, so that the mistake of the people is the responsibility together. This is the uniqueness of the model of social therapy, which enable such communities as change agents (agents of change).

Psychological Therapy Model

This model was adapted from a psychological theory Mc Lellin, et al who stated that drug addiction behavior is the fruit of emotion that does not function properly because of a conflict, so that addicts use drugs to relieve or release choice psychological burden. Model is concerned with the emotional healing therapy of drug addicts is concerned, where if emotions can be controlled so they will not have anymore problems with drugs. Types of models of psychological therapy is usually done in private counseling, both in rehabilitation centers or in private therapy.

Cultural Therapy Model

This model states that the behavior of drug addiction is the result of a lifetime of socialization in a particular social environment or culture. In this case, the family as well as the environment can be categorized as a "particular social and cultural environment". The idea is, that the practice of drug abuse by members of a particular family is the result of the accumulation of all the problems that occurred in the family is concerned. So this model is much emphasis on the process of therapy for the family members of the drug addicts.

Thus the model of therapy that you can practice in your neighborhood, hopefully can produce good results.


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