Thursday, January 7, 2010

durable in dating tips

Posted by Evi Yulianti 7:12 AM, under | 1 comment

Continuity in dating is expected by the young couples, even expected to get to the marriage. However, usually there in the dating scene or a problem instance jealous, over protective, misunderstandings, lack of understanding, or even the occurrence of saturation.

That is because the foundation biasannya in a relationship is less strong and the absence of the principle of dating, because in both relationships is needed. Here are some tips in order to maintain lasting relationships:
  • Establish normal relations with is not too serious : Usually woven relationship too seriously it will cause saturation of its own. However, that does not mean our relationship is not serious .. lho seriousness that the relationship is not only proved by the words "I am very serious about you say, I will be faithful to the end of life", these are all actually going to take us into a very heavy burden because the actual seriousness of the burden but it's not sincerity to love someone until the limit set by god. Seriousness it will take us into the monotony and to be continue, there is no innovation, so bring in burnout. While in life we need something that is more relaxed. Saturation is coming little by little, but when it came to the saturation limit is one of our partners will run for more than a very boring partner. You would not want your partner to find a lover or a PIL?? So do not be too serious .. .. better relaxed but surely in dating, it means to live a casual relationship should not be too serious but we still hold a serious words for the future.
  • Reproduce Humor : Maybe you think this is strange ... but very much worth it. Established relationships with and enjoy humor, it will be more durable, it's all because of a relationship, if the content with the things that nature of humor then life will become more relaxed and casual. This all refers to the reality of life today dijaman the all difficult. With humor we be closer, more enjoy, and can remove our egos respectively.
  • Have principles and commitments : In a relationship we need principles and commitments. Because with the principles and commitments of our relationship will be more awake and we have a direction for the future.

Good luck ...


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